Monday, July 1, 2013

Stanley Kubrick | Notions And Reasons | Statesmen

If I have to name 5 directors with immense impact on world cinema, Kubrick will be one of them. If I have to pick three of them, Kubrick will be still there. If I am forced to pick only one, I think I will pick Kubrick. One of the most misunderstood filmmakers of all time, Kubrick has established himself as the most pathbreaking filmmaker of all time. In over 100 years of cinema, nobody made such iconic gems spreading over every genre one can think of.

At the age of twelve, he learnt chess and when he was thirteen, his father gifted him a camera. These two things shaped his personality and his cinema. His passion for stills taught him deeper nuances of cinematography. Chess, on the other hand, made him patient and intellectually more receptive to ideas and visions. As a scholar he was average by any standards.

As a filmmaker, Kubrick was always a darling of cinebuffs. He toyed around with numerous subjects and made films which are considered to be milestones. Anti war films like Paths Of Glory and Dr. Strangelove, sci-fi like 2001 - A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange, horror like Shining, period like Barry Lyndon and borderline erotica like Lolita and Eyes Wide Shut. Most of his films are not only landmarks, the approach to handle the subject is unique. He explored multiple layers in the story and allowed viewer to interpret them. Probably the best example is 2001 - A Space Odyssey.

Kubrick was a true visionary and his biggest achievement was his ability to carry visions of his colleagues along with his own. He allowed them to interpret their roles and was always ready to discuss them in detail. He was a perfectionist. Some of his actors complained of sore back. Some were tricked into doing things to add the shock value to the visual. Creative liberty and his intelligence was widely acknowledged by people who worked with him for almost five decades.

Kubrick influenced filmmakers like Woody Allen, Tarantino, James Cameroon, David Fincher, David Lynch, Scorsese, Ridley Scott, Tim Burton and Spielberg. Well, quite a legacy.

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