Hi All,
While some ‘big’ actors star in mindless meaningless senseless cinema, Indian Indie is trying to establish itself. Sudhish Kamath’s Good Night Good Morning is such a film. Its ‘Before Sunrise’ kind of film which has a defined audience who watch and appreciate cinema rather than just enjoying those 120 minutes. However, it’s so sparse in distribution that even breaking in is difficult for these kind of movies. They depend a lot on ‘word of mouth’ and wait for the ‘cult’ label.
Two strangers over a call, talking and trying to understand each other is a little clichéd. We have seen this in so many romantic movies. However, the treatment is a little different. In Black & White Split Screen, the conversations has a very Victorian feel set in contemporary frame. It’s not out of box. It’s not extraordinary. Its feel good. You can sense some subtle tributes to many romantic movies. I firmly believe that if a movie can touch 80 percent of what it aims to, it’s a success story. Though a little short of 100%, GNGM definitely crosses that cut-off of 80 percent and leaves a fine taste in mouth. Some scenes are really lovely and unlike many other movies/sitcoms, split screen doesn’t offend you as a viewer. This I guess is an achievement. Definitely a decent watch.
Performance-wise the movie is pretty good. Actors especially Seema Rehmani impress with their presence. Production quality is good. The ‘classic’ feel comes out well on screen. Story line is a lot predictable. However, it doesn’t leave you sore. Direction is pretty decent. Sudhish, I will have great expectations from your next. Hail Indie.
Will write more...