Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quite Right @RajeevMasand | Editor's Pen

Rajeev Masand is one of the most respected movie reviewer in this country. While many reviewers tend to give thumbs up to silly movies from big banners and thumbs down to some really good movies, Masand keeps his point straight without any bias. No wonder, he is the Ebert of B'wood Cinema.

On twitter, recently Masand pointed out the importance of reviewers and as expected I saw a few good-for-nothing movie makers trying to bash him. As a movie blogger, we thought about taking a stand on this issue. Whether it has any impact or not, doing it is the most important thing in our opinion.

I understand that making even a piece of **** like Tashan is no easy task. It needs a lot of work in front of the camera and at least ten times of that behind the lens. Passing a judgment over all the hard work is apparently an easy shot. But there is something call responsibility.

Writing a review and doing a review are two different things. A movie has a banner and a star cast but does it provide good entertainment and telling that without any prejudice or affection is Doing A Review. Masand does a review.

What would have happened to a movie like Udaan had committed reviewers like Masand didn't rated it high. It could have died a natural death and faded out from memory of public just like movies like Sankat City did. Its easy for people who make movies like Housefull to bash reviewers because at some point they know that a big star cast will earn them a good opening and that’s enough for them. They don't need to have anything on platter... not even story. But when someone makes a movie with heart and blood, he needs support and that’s when Masands come into picture.

@RajeevMasand: Thanks for being there as an idol for movie-lovers like us.


Sujoy Ghosh


Yajur Kochhar said...

I fully agree! He is the one of most sincere person I have came across. Sometimes even I differ for his reviews, but respecting one's judgement is very important, specially a senior like RM. Bollywood movie-makers are 'thali ke baingan' .. kabhi idhar to kabhi udhar...

Yajur Kochhar said...

I fully agree! He is the one of most sincere person I have come across. Sometimes even I differ for his reviews, but respecting one's judgement is very important, specially a senior like RM. Bollywood movie-makers are 'thali ke baingan' .. kabhi idhar to kabhi udhar...

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