Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#Oscar Results | Fall Of The Legend | Cine Talk

True Grit stood by the meaning of its name though lost the race. Ten nominations without winning even one honor; though that hardly makes it any lesser gem. True Grit won hearts… but failed to get the big one… as a matter of fact, any of them. This news robbed peace of many minds and many more disagree with the results of Academy Awards. Big movies like Inception, The Social Network and The King’s Speech grabbed respectively 4, 3 and 4 Oscars providing some nail-biting moments in the Kodak Theatre.

This Oscars would be remembered as one of the closely contested Academy nights. Never had the viewers been so divided in their opinion. While Inception and TSN relied more on the technology, True Grit and TKS relied more on the content (symbolically; Inception and TSN had great content too but they represent technology advancements). The big honors, i.e. Best Picture and Best Director both went to TKS leaving behind disappointed fans of True Grit, Inception, TSN, The Fighter and Black Swan. However, except True Grit, fans of all of these had some better moments. Black Swan got Best Actress. The Fighter got both Actress and Actor in Supporting Role. Inception and TSN ruled the technical awards. The lone loser was True Grit. It had many nominations yet failed to convert any of them. May be this was the real test of the grit.
Brilliantly made Inception won over its strengths. It won honors for Visual Effects, Sound (Mixing, editing) and Cinematography. Personally, I don’t agree with the last one. The Social Network grabbed three Oscars. As expected it grabbed the honor for Best Editing and Writing (Adapted Screenplay) and surprised with the Music (Original Score) Nomination. Many expected 127 Hours to make a mark. Pixar’s Toy Story-3 also bagged two honors.

Rahman failed to impress the Jury. That could have been a high for Indian Cinema. When Slumdog Millionaire bagged 8 Oscars, many hailed it as a victory of Bollywood over Hollywood as the movie was almost a typical Bollywood movie save for the packaging it had. Rahman’s victory with 127 Hours would have cemented it. Anyways… better luck next time…

High: Victory of ‘God Of love’ in Short Film Category.
Low: Many… for me… Rahman failing in getting the Oscar.

Written By: Sujoy Ghosh


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