Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Love, Wrinkle-free And I And Me | Sandeep Mohan | Golden Podium

Love, Wrinkle Free is another Indie grabbing eyeballs. It’s a fun filled comedy with a dash to sensitivity. We happened to talk to the director of the movie Sandeep and here is our interview with the man…

Q: Hi Sandeep, many congrats for your movie Love, Wrinkle-free. When we saw the trailer, we were literally ROTFL. Tell our readers a little more about the movie...

SM: Thanks Sujoy. The trailer is doing its job I heard. The buzz is slowly but surely building up for the movie and I am excited since it is my debut movie. So trying to stay positive and enjoy the process and hopefully learn some lessons from it. I do hope that people will switch off their televisions for a few hours and come to watch Love, Wrinkle-free on the 25th of May at PVR.

Love, Wrinkle-free is my way of looking at the world around me - I see people in cities obsessing so much about youth, looks and smooth skin. I think more people visit skin clinics and hair-transplantation centres than temples or churches these days and it is clearly a sign of the times that we all are living in. I and me and the way I look has become far more important that that small organ somewhere inside your chest called the heart! As a story-teller, all this is fascinating stuff and I couldn't resist exploring this theme in my debut film as a writer-director.

Love, Wrinkle-free is set in Goa in the Roman Catholic world. It is a fun story of a dysfunctional Goan family - the husband who is middle-aged is 8 years younger to his wife, and their adopted teenage daughter who has started to worry that she doesn't look like either of them. She has started to believe that she is Tibetan probably! The tone is real and light-hearted. Using subtle humor, I have tried to explore this obsession among all of us to retain our youth and smooth skin for a longer period of time. The film was shot in 22 days in Goa. I hope I have managed to do justice to this theme and you guys come out smiling and relaxed from the cinema halls on the 25th of May

Q: Edible lingerie? Where the idea popped up from? Candypants?

SM: Well, frankly I don't remember exactly where the edible lingerie idea popped out from, but it looks like this is quite popular among a few people who like to enjoy life's kinky side.No harm in people having a little fun this way and keep the spice in life going. Imagine if more people are happy in this country, we will have more organised traffic on the road, less honking, and what not. So edible lingerie has its advantages and hope that Love, Wrinkle-free helps in popularizing such "healthy eating habits":) and more Indians go on to win gold medals in Olympic sports:)

Well, on the serious side, when I was a copywriter in an ad agency, I remember working on an underwear ad campaign, and when I used to go this underwear office, I used to see guys and gals - the hardworking MBA sorts, going about their business just like in any other office. For them, what they were selling was no different from selling cars or candies or cough syrups. It was a job. The idea of the lead character evolved from this memory. Savio Monteiro, my lead character is obsessed about the underwear industry. And the rest of the story evolved with my frequent trips to Goa and observing the life as it goes by there.

Q: The story has a click value. It’s definitely going to be liked by certain sections. But a poster like that and obvious hints that movie can be a sex comedy, do you think that this movie will get a nod from masses?

SM” Well, the one poster that you are referring to is not the final poster, but definitely is a catchy one. Love, Wrinkle-free is a sweet, refreshing film set in Goa and it is a movie the entire family can sit and watch, according to me. I don't think in these times, the mention of the word Edible Lingerie is going to scandalize a youngster or their parents. They are used to Chikni Chamelis and Munnis shaking their assets as if their life depended on how far they are able to shake it! Parents should be more worried about how their son/daughter has access to "how to make bombs" in 3 easy steps on youtube channels etc.  Love, Wrinkle-free is a much more sensitive, sensible comedy and hopes to cater to all those people who love good characters, a good plot, good performances and good fun in their cinema experience. So do come over to PVR on the 25th with the whole family since this is not a sex comedy at all.

Q: As a filmmaker and a movie buff, which movie are you waiting for? And why?

SM: As a filmmaker, I am waiting for "To Rome with Love" - Woody Allen's next film. I hope he lives forever and god gives him a long life so that he can surprise us with such simple and stunning movies. In India, I am looking forward to Shanghai which is from one of my favorite Indian director Dibakar Banerjee, and also "Love, Wrinkle-free" which is directed by a close friend of mine by the name Sandeep Mohan:)

Q: Anything you would like to say to our readers...

SM: I would like to invite them to see Love, Wrinkle-free on the 25th and let their friends know about it too. I can promise you that the way we have portrayed Goa, is unique and authentic, and is definitely something which you have not seen in Indian films for the last 10 years. More power to the truly indie films and look forward to seeing you guys at a PVR near your house soon. Take care and Never Give Up.

TRM wishes team of LWF a grand opening and all accolades.

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