Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Malcolm X | The Critique

Rating-4/5 Stars

Rarely does any biopic cover whole life-span of the subject so comprehensively as Malcolm X, and even more rare are films that cover a life and a social revolution so well. In both these regards, this reminds me of Gandhi.  Just to further my point, if you open Malcolm's wiki page, almost word-for-word mentioned in the page is covered in the movie. And some more.

Spike Lee has made a classic you probably haven’t seen yet.

Malcolm in his crime days

Malcolm X, from being a one-time convict and his transformation to national prominence as Nation of Islam's most celebrated minister, is a complex character to portray. Denzel Washington nails it and few minutes into the film you see only Malcolm and no Denzel. Many believe his Oscar that year was taken away unjustly from him and boy, are they right.

In Malcolm, you can see spark from the beginning. He's a rebel, but initially without a cause. He learns ways of crime, and drug abuse. You get to see him being raised, his father being killed.

Malcolm's first meeting with Elijah Mohammed

The scenes after his introduction to ideas of 'Nation of Islam'; His First meeting with Elijah Mohammed; Scenes where is beginning as a preacher; Two scenes intercut to show him getting teachings from Elijah Mohammed and transferring it to Betty(His would be wife);Footage mixed of atrocities against black people. They are all perfect.
Malcolm X leading the crowd

One of movies most hitting scenes is where Malcolm leads a huge crowd to demand an inmate be provided medical assistance. Sheer power of the character made whole of America take notice of Malcolm.

Malcolm during the Hajj

Last 3rd of the film focuses on his disillusionment with Nation of Islam and his softening his stand on racial segregation changed due to his visit to mecca and treatment amongst Muslims of different races, and his ultimate assassination at hands of other Nation of Islam members.

There is a gentle love story between Malcolm and Betty that is very gently handled by Lee, and is one of many memorable parts of the film.

At close to three hours, it might be longer than your usual Hollywood film, but its length is justified and by the end of it viewers have lived a life time with a film. You see a man going through many conversions, who traverses continents, who brings change to people's lives. Malcolm X will be a good reminder and eulogy of one of greatest black men in United States history.

Written by- Ali Naqvi

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